Thanksgiving Day!!

Thanksgiving day is just around the corner and that’s really what makes the start of the fast paced, bustling holiday season.  Thanksgiving, then Black Friday and then pure chaos until Christmas when everything seems to come to a screeching halt as we look back on the past year and get ready for the year ahead.


The holidays can be a stressful time but here are two things that make it easier.

One….don’t stress!  LOL.  Ok I know that sounds easier said than done but I mean really… think of it this way.  In two months does it really matter if you have the perfect place setting for 18 people or if you did every dish in the house before the whole group even finished eating??  Probably not!

Two…make a plan and do it one day at a time.  Don’t try to do to much in one day.  I know you have what seems like 47 people to buy presents for and 13 parties to attend.  We all do.  But you DON”T have to make every party and you DON”T have to buy presents for the people you rarely see or speak to.  (Sorry Aunt Edna) Because once again….will it really matter in two months anyway??

lash extensions in the woodlands

So as the holiday season fast approaches, try to stay calm and concentrate on the things that have real meaning.  I mean, who really cares about what kind of pie we have, who bought what present or which person has the best party?  Let’s be kinder, wiser and more patent.  Enjoy it!

-Martie  🙂


lash extensions in the woodlands